Restorative Dental Work



Composites, also known as tooth-colored fillings, are designed to blend with the natural shade of your teeth. They are used to restore a decayed tooth instead of mercury silver fillings that tend to darken the tooth and leak over time. Once the decayed portion of the tooth is removed, we place the tooth-colored composite onto the tooth and restore its original form and function. Composite fillings are prepared and placed in just one visit. As a standard practice, at Pear Tree Dental, we use only composite type fillings. 



A crown is used to cover and support a tooth with a large filling or decay when there isn't enough tooth left to do a simple filling. It can also be used to protect a weak tooth from break or restore a tooth that is already broken. A crown may also be used to cover teeth that are discolored or badly shaped for aesthetic purposes.

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If you are missing one or more teeth, you may notice a difference in chewing and speaking. Bridges are an option to help maintain the shape of your face, and to alleviate the stress in your bite by replacing missing teeth. A bridge replaces missing teeth by literally bridging the gap where one or more teeth may have been and connecting it with crowns on either side. This is a permanent solution to missing teeth that is cemented in the mouth and cannot be removed. 

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This is a special procedure that is used to save a tooth that has developed a damaged nerve. The term "root canal" refers to a procedure when the nerve of the tooth is removed. The canal of the root is cleaned, disinfected and hermetically sealed. Root canals are done on teeth that have become infected as a result of decay or injured as a result of trauma. Although they have a bad rap, most of the time a root canal is a relatively simple procedure with little or no discomfort. 


Tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from its socket in the bone of your jaw. If a tooth has been broken, damaged or decayed, and there is too much damage for the tooth to be repaired, the tooth needs to be extracted. 

Other reasons for tooth extraction may be: 

  • You may have extra teeth that are blocking the space and stopping other teeth from coming in.
  • Your baby teeth won't fall out and your permanent teeth are coming in. 
  • Your mouth is crowded. People getting braces may need teeth extracted to create room for the teeth that are being moved out of place.
  • In many cases, wisdom teeth, also called third molars are the cause of the crowding and are often extracted either before or after they come in. These teeth often get stuck in the jaw (impacted) and do not come in. This can irritate the gum, causing pain and swelling. 
  • For medical reasons…
    • You are receiving radiation to the head and neck and need to have teeth in the field of radiation extracted. 
    • Cancer drugs may cause tooth infections because these drugs weaken the immune system.
    • People with organ transplants have a high risk of infection because they must take drugs that decrease or suppress the immune system. Again, your teeth may become infected and need to be extracted. 

Pear Tree Dental will do most uncomplicated tooth removals under local anesthesia. Conscious sedation using nitrous oxide gas may be offered to patients who have more complicated procedures. During your visit, we can discuss with you the options of topical and local anesthetic or nitrous oxide analgesia for pain free care. If general anesthetics are required, PearTree Dental will refer you to an oral surgeon. We will do everything we can to make sure you are comfortable when you receive any treatment in our office. 

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Dental implants are used to replace a missing tooth or teeth, and help stop or prevent loss of jaw bone. Implants have now become the gold standard of care for replacing missing teeth not only because of how natural they act and look but because of their longevity and ability to maintain the body's natural structures. Although Pear Tree Dental does not currently do the implant surgery, we work very closely with expert surgeons to provide the best possible outcome both functionally and aesthetically. 



Many factors can lead to tooth loss: decay, periodontal (gum) disease, traumatic injury, etc. It is very important to replace missing teeth as not doing so can make chewing difficult, neighboring teeth shift position, and even cause a premature aging appearance to the face. 

A Denture replaces teeth when there are non present in the mouth, and a Partial replaces multiple missing teeth when some teeth are still remaining. Both Denture and Partials are options that can be removed and also require being removed from time to time. 

An Overdenture is a denture with special attachments to Dental Implants already placed in the mouth. This allows the denture to snap into place, allowing far less movement while eating. People who wear Overdentures feel extremely confident both when eating and in social situations - no more worry of moving dentures! Overdentures are considered the standard-of-care when all lower teeth are missing.